Monday, February 9, 2015

So it begins (in more ways than one)!

This blog basically started because of these 4 ladies. I've blogged in the past for various reasons - frugal living/couponing, sharing thoughts on Army life, promoting my professional photography - but never stayed consistent with any of the blogs. When I started my fitness journey in 2013, close friends said I should blog my transformation because they found it so inspirational. Again, I never quite got around to it (I blame trying to manage two little boys, the numerous businesses I've started, or all that time I spend at the gym).

Then yesterday a miracle happened. My wonderful (very patient and tolerant) husband of six years agreed to letting me buy 4 baby chickens after a spur of the moment trip to Rural King after church. I begged, the kids begged, the baby chicks peeped... we left the store, talked in the car, went to the gym, then drove back to Rural King a few hours later and brought home four cuties.

This morning I was taking a shower and thinking (all of my good ideas start this way because as a mom of two boys my showers are pretty much the only-scream free time I get). Anyways, I thought, "well shoot I've now embarked on another interesting journey again, this time I should really document it." Also I was thrilled we made it through the first night (I'm paranoid already), the chicks slept well and the cats didn't eat them. This chicken raising thing is already a success in my books.

So here they are!





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