Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bulk Food Adventures: Quick Oats

Right now I'm working to put on additional muscle mass, so I'm consuming more calories than my body would need to maintain it's current state. This means that I'm going through groceries much faster than when I was leaning for the competitions last season. However, bulking and eating clean doesn't always have to be expensive. One of the reasons I've been looking into more self-sustaining options is not only because it's something I enjoy, but because it also helps to cut costs.

Other than my hens, another logical step was to start buying foods in bulk that I consume often. So, last week I picked up a 50lb bag of quick oats from our local Amish store. After crunching some numbers I discovered I can save about $.25/lb or more from buying oats in this quantity!

Mike and I each eat 1 - 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal a day on most days so I'm buying oats fairly regularly. A fifty pound bag was $27 and my storage solution was free because I collected a few extra empty protein containers from a friend. I'm now set for months!

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