I'm a 29 year old mom of two boys (3 and 5 years old) and I've spent the 22 months transforming my body. I started in May 2013 right as my husband was about to go on his second deployment with the Army. I figured I'd enjoy passing the time working out and would benefit from the included childcare at our local gym. Initially my goal was to lose about 15-20 pounds and look a little better.
In the past I'd been athletic and participated in a bunch of outdoor sports - kayaking, surfing, hiking, running, etc. I'd even completed 7 half marathons and two triathlons in the year before I met my husband. However, between uprooting from California to Tennessee and having two children 19 months apart, I slowly became less and less active. So in May when I started my fitness journey (again), I was size 12, 170 lbs and about 35% body fat on a 5'5" frame. I hated how I looked, I was uncomfortable in everything I wore, and I wanted more than anything for my husband to come home to a “hot” wife.
Fortunately I connected with a friend that dedicated her time to showing me a routine in the weight room, giving me food guidance, and motivating me to keep at it. I worked out almost every day and loved it. It was a stress relief and I enjoy seeing the changes in my body from weight lifting. Slowly I started to gain some confidence too.
My husband returned from his deployment in December 2013 and I had dropped to a size 0 and weighed about 133 lbs! He was thrilled with my progress and almost couldn't believe the difference when he finally saw me in person. The next few months after he came home were a struggle for me to continue eating clean, and maintain my gym schedule between traveling and transitioning to him being back in my daily routine.
I've continued pushing myself though and officially decided in July to train for my first figure competition. I competed at Music City Muscle November 1st and had an incredible experience. I placed 5th in my novice class and reached my personal goal of being 13% body fat on stage. Then November 8th I competed again at Kentucky Muscle also placing 5th in an even harder novice class, and coming in at 11% body fat on stage. During my competition prep I stay focused and disciplined, even surprising myself at times! I couldn't be more proud of the results and my performance in the first two shows.
Throughout my entire journey I've shared my struggles, frustrations, and successes with friends and family and even started a Facebook page and Instagram to motivate others. In September I completed my ACE personal training certification, and this past month started working with half a dozen clients. I feel very passionately about encouraging women to get into strength training and fitness, making the time for themselves even with a busy schedule and kids. I believe it's important to find out how strong you really are and how far you can push yourself because it transfers into so many other areas of your life. As a woman I have more confidence and drive, as a wife I love that my husband is attracted to me and how my transformation has shaped my character, and as a mother I'm confident that I'm setting a positive example for my boys of a strong woman - hopefully something they will seek out and support in a future partner.
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